Global Macro Client Application


Thanks for your interest in Frontier Global Partners Global Macro. Please fill out the information below and we’ll be in contact with you shortly.

Individual Investor Information

You must meet one or both of the above individual investor criteria.
If outside the US, please include country code.
If outside the US, please include country code.

Corporate Investor Information

Please confirm that you qualify as a potential corporate investor by reading and checking both boxes above.
Please enter the name of the Corporation or other unincorporated entity such as a Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Company.
Enter your position at Corporation or other unincorporated entity such as a Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Company.
Please include country code if outside US.
Please include country code if outside US.

Affirmation of Truth Section

By clicking "Submit" on your application, you agree to Frontier Global Partner's Terms and Conditions, and affirm that all info you've submitted is truthful and accurate.


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